Treatment / Device
Fraxel® Dual Laser
Results of Treatment
The Fraxel® Dual laser is a compact fiber laser. The engineers designing this wonderful laser were able to incorporate two different lasers into a single device.
Fraxel® Dual Laser
The Fraxel® Dual laser is an innovative, very well-known fiber-laser designed to make tiny microthermal treatment zones in the skin, stimulating a healing response that replaces the sun-damaged collagen and elastin in photoaged skin with healthier skin, and the disordered collagen fibers of scars with more normally organized collagen. It is called the Fraxel® Dual because if offers two wavelengths, 1,927 nm for treating more superficially and 1,550 nm for treating more deeply. The Fraxel® Dual laser is fantastic for treating acne scarring and for rejuvenation of photoaging in all but the darkest skin types. The Fraxel® Dual laser is often used with both wavelengths of energy in a single treatment session. The 1,927 nm laser is often used to treat unwanted pigmentation, while the 1,550 nm wavelength is used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enlarge pores, and acne scarring.

Fraxel® Dual device
Fraxel® Dual FAQ
Is there more than one type of Fraxel® laser?
Fraxel® is a brand name and thus includes the Fraxel® repair CO2laser, the Fraxel® Dual laser, as well as the Fraxel® Clear+Brilliant® laser. Each device is quite different, so when looking online at results and side-effects from the ‘Fraxel’ laser, one has to be sure which one they are reading or watching a video about.
Why are there two different wavelengths of laser energy in the Fraxel® Dual laser?
Because the Fraxel® Dual laser is a compact fiber laser, the engineers designing this wonderful laser were able to incorporate two different lasers into a single device. This enables treatment of the surface and deeper layers with a single device, and in a single treatment session.
What are the innovative features of the Fraxel® Dual laser?
The Fraxel® Dual laser has a handpiece that incorporates two different wavelengths of laser energy. The handpiece measures the speed of treatment and provides feedback to the treating physicians so they can proceed at the proper pace. An integrated cooling attachment ensures protection of the skin during treatment and standardizes the cooling process, adding even more standardization to the already well-designed laser delivery handpiece.
What do you treat with the Fraxel® Dual laser?
At Main Line Center for Laser Surgery, we use the Fraxel® Dual laser for treating fine lines and wrinkles and enlarged pores due to photoaging, as well as acne scarring in Fitzpatrick skin typesI-IV, but not the darkest skin types.
What will I look like after treatment with the Fraxel® Dual laser?
Generally, following treatment with both the 1,550 nm and 1,927 nm Fraxel® Dual wavelengths, patients are pink and puffy. If treated with the 1,927 nm wavelength, patients will experience some mild skin scaling up to a week following treatment.