Treatment / Device
CO2RE ® and UltraPulse ® Active FX ® Deep FX ® Laser
Results of CO2RE® Treatment
The CO2RE® laser, by Candela Medical, treats certain forms of photodamage, acne scarring and scars with the CO2RE® CO2 laser.
CO2RE ® Laser
The CO2RE® laser, by Candela Medical, is a fractionated carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, which makes tiny treatment zones in an array to cover a large area while leaving untreated areas between the laser spots. This ‘fractionated’ approach results in less side-effects and quicker healing than lasers that treat an entire area without any sparing of skin in between the dots. CO2 lasers target water and, since we are made of water, they create microthermal treatment zones in the skin that are either superficial or deep depending upon the fluence (energy) of the laser pulses. The CO2RE® laser can blend both superficial and deep pulses in a single, larger treatment pulse. It was developed by the famous laser engineer Shlomo Assa and his team.

CO2RE® device
What kind of laser is the Candela CO2RE® laser?
The CO2RE® laser is a fractionated carbon dioxide laser (CO2) laser, which targets water in the skin, and thus ablates or removes tiny bits of skin leaving intervening skin untouched.
What type of conditions do you treat with the CO2RE® CO2 laser?
We treat certain forms of photodamage, acne scarring and scars with the CO2RE® CO2 laser.
What is aftercare like following treatment with the CO2RE® CO2 laser?
Because the CO2RE® CO2 laser removes tiny areas of skin, after treatment we give patients an oral antiviral medication to prevent outbreaks of cold sores for seven days. In addition, patients often use dilute vinegar soaks a few times a day and a healing ointment for seven days following treatment.
How long does it take to recover from CO2RE® CO2 laser treatment?
Because the CO2RE® CO2 laser ablates, or removes, tiny areas of skin, recovery to normal can take a couple of weeks to months for redness to subside.
UltraPulse ® Laser with Active FX ® and Deep FX ®
The original Coherent Medical UltraPulse® laser was a groundbreaking carbon dioxide (CO2) laser that revolutionized the treatment of sun-damaged skin. Dr. Bernstein performed the histology studies on the original UltraPulse® laser, which was one of the largest CO2 laser studies of all time. The newest iteration of the UltraPulse® laser by Lumenis offers a more fractionated approach to improving sun-damaged skin, leaving larger areas of untreated skin in between the laser pulses, with less downtime and side effects than the original UltraPulse® laser, but also less dramatic results. The trade-off is usually worth it in the modern era of skin laser surgery. The superficial and deep treatment attachments allow versatile treatment options, repairing fine lines and wrinkles and superficial changes brought about by skin aging. In addition, Active FX® and Deep FX® are frequently used for improving burn scars and mature scars that lack redness of earlier scars. This laser has made possible the improvement of mature scars thought to be highly resistant to laser treatment.
UltraPulse ® Laser with Active FX ® and Deep FX ® FAQ
What type of laser is the Lumenis UltraPulse® laser?
The Lumenis UltraPulse® laser is a laser that uses carbon dioxide gas to generate invisible laser energy at 10,600 nm. The UltraPulse® is a fractionated laser, which means it makes small holes in the skin leaving behind normal, untreated areas for faster healing than non-fractionated lasers.
What is the target in our skin of the Lumenis Ultra Pulse® laser?
The Lumenis UltraPulse® laser targets the water in our skin. This means that it affects the surface of our skin, and because of the high energies it can deliver, can also treat deeper into our skin.
What do you treat with the Lumenis UltraPulse® laser?
We use the Lumenis UltraPulse® laser to treat photodamage and severe wrinkling, acne scarring and other types of scars.
What will I look like following treatment with the Lumenis UltraPulse® laser?
Treated areas generally are red, puffy, and often crusty shortly after treatment. The treated areas can often weep due to removal of the skin surface in isolated areas.
What type of aftercare do I need following treatment with the Lumenis UltraPulse® laser?
Patients being treated for photoaging, or acne scarring take a pill to fight off the cold sore virus for seven days following treatment; because treatment with a CO2 laser can not only stimulate a cold sore to come out (just like the sun can), but also allow that virus to more easily spread to surrounding skin. Patients often use dilute vinegar soaks on their skin for 3-5 days following treatment and an emollient ointment.