Treatment / Device
Clear+Brilliant® Laser
Dr. Bernstein was the first in the U.S. to acquire the Perméa handpiece of the Clear+Brilliant® laser. The Clear+Brilliant® is a mild laser very similar to the Fraxel® Dual laser and also offers two wavelengths of laser energy. The Clear+Brilliant® laser has both a 1,440 nm laser handpiece and a 1,927 nm handpiece and is perfect for rejuvenating mildly photodamaged skin. It is also the perfect device for maintaining the benefits of other laser treatments over time. Clear+Brilliant® has replaced microdermabrasion as a rejuvenating and freshening treatment. We use the Clear+Brilliant® laser in combination with performance topical creams and lotions to improve melasma and mild photodamage. Movie stars have Clear+Brilliant® laser treatments written into their contracts for films as well as receiving treatments before the Oscars.

Clear+Brilliant® device
Clear+Brilliant® FAQ
Who makes the Clear+Brilliant® laser?
Solta, the manufacturer of the Fraxel® laser line, makes the Clear+Brilliant® laser.
Where does the Clear+Brilliant® laser fit into regimen for rejuvenation?
The Clear+Brilliant® laser is perfect for rejuvenating mildly photodamaged skin as well as for maintaining the benefits of other laser treatments. We often use the Clear+Brilliant® laser in combination with topical treatments to treat melasma, mild photodamage, and other unwanted pigmentation.
What wavelengths of laser energy are emitted from the Clear+Brilliant® laser?
The Clear+Brilliant® laser emits both 1,440 nm and 1,927 nm laser energy, but at a lower intensity than its cousin, the Fraxel® Dual laser. The Fraxel® Dual laser emits 1,550 nm versus 1,440 nm for the Clear+Brilliant® laser, but the effects of these two wavelengths are very similar.
What’s the difference between the Clear+Brilliant® laser and microdermabrasion or other non-laser skin treatments?
Clear+Brilliant® laser deposits laser energy into the skin and creates microthermal treatment zones. In our opinion, the Clear+Brilliant® laser is far more effective for rejuvenating mildly photodamaged skin and maintaining the results of other laser treatments than dermabrasion or similar technologies. This is because the Clear+Brilliant® laser delivers laser energy into the skin while mildly affecting the skin surface.
What is the Perméa handpiece of the Clear+Brilliant® laser?
The Perméa handpiece helps topical permea(te), or get through, the dead cell layer of our skin, the stratum corneum. It does this by slightly disrupting the surface layer of our skin and creating a mild inflammation that makes skin more permeable to topical creams and lotions.